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Old 12-05-2004, 05:02 AM   #4
Montana Fan
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Plymouth
Posts: 253
M.O.C. #522
We had our roof replaced (under warranty) but the "flat rate" allowed by Keystone for the labor of installation in hours for replacement was listed as 32. So at about $80 per hour the cost of labor alone would have been over $2500 (not many places at $80 though!) Add to that the price of the replacement EPDM which would be a bit over $1000 and you have the idea of about what it might cost. We had not noticed any bubbles, but driving at 65 mph against a headwind, the first 10 to 15 feet of the roof shredded. As a person who has supervised the laying of EPDM on a number flat roof buildings (but not RV's), my diagnosis was 1) that the mastic had been allowed to set just a bit too much before the membrane had been applied, and 2) that the screws that fastened a "cap" over the front of the EPDM into the roofing deck had been "overtightened". When the speed of the air over the top of the unit caused the membrane to billow up, the overtightened screws were unable to hold it.

If the dealer from whom you are contemplating buying the unit says that the bumps are "no problem" I would be asking him/her to give you a special warranty for a year (or something like that) just in case. Or if you would be buying it from a private party, you might reduce the offering price by the cost of replacing the roof, or a % of the replacement cost.
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