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Old 07-20-2012, 04:26 AM   #10
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: North Ridgeville
Posts: 20,229
M.O.C. #2839
When we first got our 08 F-350 6.4L the 'Cleaning exhaust filter"( Regen msg) would stay on display as long as it was in regen. a later flash did away with that and the MSG would only flash on for a few seconds and if you were not looking at the display you would miss it. We have an after market gage that monitors all the trucks parameters EGT included and we always keep the EGT on the display. We can not miss a regen as the EGT will increase by several hundred degrees while in regen.The regen does last 15 or 20 mins.The only time we have noticed a drop in performance is when we are on a steep grade and a hard pull.. We will note a drop in RPM but add a bit of pedal and it will pick back up.We do not get frequent regens but but just about all our driving is with Montana in tow at interstate speeds.We do not keep a clock record of regens but I would say every 500/600 miles when in tow.We had two each way going and coming from Florida 1200 miles one way.

The fuel milage is not great but we weigh in at @ 23K GCWR. Remember these Fords are much heavier than the Dodge and GM trucks and that does not help. 10MPg at the end of a average day is the norm.

If we did not live in Ford Country and can get the huge Employee discounts on the Ford we would no doubt have the GM or Dodge as they all do the job and the other two are much lighter.

My last regen on our way home from Florida was right in the middle of Fancy gap.The engine noise dropped about two octaves, the RPM went way up and the EGT went to over 1400 degrees.We backed off let the EGT's and boost come down a bit and went over Fancy gap at about 35 MPH. MPg when we hit the top said
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