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Old 08-27-2010, 08:21 AM   #2
Montana Master
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Unfortunately this is not my opinion. This could be the legal position.

When transferring to the laptop, you may just need to transfer the data files using a USB drive but you'll need to make sure you are aware where the files are located and where to put them so you can use them on another computer. You can also use a network connection but you'll need to be comfortable about setting this up. The GNASN software is a different story.

Check the license agreement to see what it allows on how it's used. Typically most PC software is a single-user license, unlike many virus software that now allows as many as 3 at a time. This infers that only the copy you purchased can only be installed and used on one computer. Does it say you can install it on multiple computers but only used on one at a time satisfying the one user at a time requirement? Does it say you can install it on another computer at all which means you are supposed to uninstall it on the other computer? Not honoring the license agreement is considered piracy. Most companies expect owners to buy a copy for each computer the software is going to be used on.

For example, I have a friend we share map files with for another program, but we each bought our own copies of the software program to run on our two different computers and share our maps by emailing them to each other. I hear that others will often loan their friends the software to install on others' computers but more times than not, this is illegal!

Technically what you want to do is very easy. It is another consideration when doing things legally. Just remember the data files you create are "probably" yours to do whatever you want, but the software may not be. It will all be in the license agreement including where your data stands.
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