Thread: Nightmare!
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:36 PM   #1
Montana Fan
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Location: Colorado Springs
Posts: 255
M.O.C. #940
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All you folks will love this one....

I took the Monty into the dealer Tuesday for a couple simple things - we have been having propane leak problems around the tanks, and I decided it was time to turn this over to the experts and let them handle it. In the meantime, I said, check out the water heater, because I even replaced the electric elements, and it still won't heat electrically. (Yes, I know all about the outside switch, and the element burns up in 10 seconds, blah blah blah.)

Well they called today and said they couldn't find the leak - I thought that was strange because we did the soapy water trick, and there were bubbles coming up. Second, the replaced the element that was bad - I thought that was strange because the element was new, and I was REAL careful to make sure I had a water heater full of water before i turned on the electric switch.

Ok - so I go to pick it up, the good news is, I live about 10 minutes from the dealer...

As I back up to the hitch, I notice I got a brand new level on the hitch tongue - hmm, says I, I didn't order that. As I am hitching everything up, one of the guys from the dealer shows up with some other folks, and then asks me about the level... I says it's pretty hard not to notice that as you're backing up... then he asks me if I noticed the new snaps all around the front of the 5er. Now I didn't notice those, but wasn't exactly looking for them either!!

Turns out... they get two Montana's in for service yesterday, and get the work orders backwards! Sooooo, now I got: a level I didn't need, a front skirt I don't need, AND, new brake shoes all around, which I will admit it looks like I do need, but didn't ask for, and was planning on replacing those this summer anyway!!

PLUS.... I am pretty sure they would find a leak in the propane if they check the right rig, and I still don't know about the water heater!!

But... at least we're not going anywhere right away...

But - turns out the other couple is headed for Alaska next Wednesday (I am SOOO JEALOUS!!) - they had never heard of the Owner's Forums, so I go them going on that, and I hope that this is the worst of their entire trip!!!

More tomorrow when we shake this all out....
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