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Old 04-26-2007, 03:38 AM   #10
Montana Fan
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Windsor
Posts: 177
M.O.C. #3481
I had the same thing happen to me on I 65 south going to Destin 3 weeks ago. A guy with a pu cut in front of me as we were stopping for a backup of an accident ahead of us. My brakes were adjusted correctly and the controller was also set before we left. Good thing because not only did he cut in front he stopped dead in front of me and he still had 40-50 in front of him. I slammed on the binders and stopped inches in front of him, my friend who was behind me thouht he was going to hit me for sure. Then the pu knows I`m pi--ed takes off on the shoulder. We stopped at the next rest area and sure enough a few things moved in the rv. A friend of mine is a trucker and he see`s this everyday and I understand now what they go through. Check your brake by pulling the wheels and hubs off and adjust them if needed. Adjust the brake controller before leaving on a flat surface, I`m glad I did, and be careful out there!!
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