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Old 04-17-2008, 04:25 PM   #15
Montana Fan
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Oviedo
Posts: 418
M.O.C. #8297
While I understand that one person received "direct" feedback in the form of a customer service representative who (allegedly) speaks for the company and its knowledge of (or lack thereof) consistent/recurring problems with specific equipment it uses in its is only one voice and based on what I undertand from this thread its not even known where in the "food chain" this particular individual resides. Further, it appears the entertainment "system" or more specifically, the DVD/CD player are the source of the discontent and consistent failure point for a large number (if not all) of the members of the forum (at least those who are contributing to this thread) MAYBE you all could band together and create a letter to management (specifically the CEO, along with the heads of Customer Service, Marketing, and Procurment and anyone else that may seem appropriate) that you all send -- along with your specific experiences (e.g., time for failure, number of times sought/received replacement via warranty and/or when you replaced the unit at your own expense) as well as your (reasonable) expectations as customers.

Its my impression that this group has a pretty good rapport with a number of representatives of the company and the company itself seems to be interested enough in this group to support/sponsor rallies held nearby the manufacturing plant. Why not try leveraging these relationships, along with our power over the company as customer/owners (via our dollars, repeat business, and word of mouth both positive AND negative) to get them to make some better choices not only for us the customer but the company my Dad says, "It takes one "awe sh**" to do away with a thousand "atta boys"!" and a "little" thing like a consistently failing entertainment system can have a long term effect on the desirability of the unit and company name/product. Lack of quality in the "add ons" to the units can (and frequently does) reflect as to the quality in the units themselves.

Just my two cents worth! Trust me, if/as I have problems covered by warranty or not I will be writing directly to the company (read CEO) to voice not only my displeasure, but my suggestion(s) for improvements/corrections. (Another thing my Dad taught me is that when you present a problem to management include a normally results in being "heard" and frequently your suggestion is taken on board and used!) Talking amongst ourselves certainly helps us with regard to our frustration levels and lets us know we aren't alone in our experiences, but letting the people in power know our concerns, the reasons for our concerns, and our ideas for improvements MIGHT actually result in change for the better.

Whew! I'm tired! Guess that means I need to get off the soap box!

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