Thread: Hello
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Old 02-28-2008, 07:09 AM   #13
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Palmer
Posts: 1,526
M.O.C. #7893
First, congratulations on the purchase and second, welcome to the forum!

Let's see, there are lots of things we "have to have" on the road (mind you, we full-time). Gotta have movies/CD's, camera, laptop (because every now and then we get internet!). We like to cook, so I have a pretty darn outfitted kitchen. It rivals my kitchen back in the stick house. If you don't like to cook, go out to eat and use the kitchen cabinets for storage, games, Milepost, ANGEL SOFT tp, one of those nifty digital photo frames (saves a ton of room), water filter - and use it, soft sheets, and the espresso machine.

Ok, that's just me. Then there's Bernie. I won't go into the tools and gizmos and gadgets in the basement. Like they said above, if you want it, take it. Just be sure it's not reallllllly heavy.

Most of all, enjoy and have fun!
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