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Old 01-08-2007, 12:29 PM   #11
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
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M.O.C. #20
We used to use the Aqua Kem chemicals. But no more. When we were at the Keystone Service Center following the September rally in Goshen last Fall, Darrell, of the service center, told me we should be using Pine Sol or equivalent in the black tank. He actually wrote this on the sheet showing the work they did, too.

So, for the past three months we're using a Pine Sol equivalent from Walmart. We get the lemon scented one. It cost ninety seven cents plus tax for 40 ounces. I use around two ounces per tank. So it costs me roughly a nickel per tank. And it seems to do a great job. Darrell said this will keep the bottom of the tank slick and help things to slide out when dumping. So far I'm pleased with the performance. It seems to keep the tank from smelling, too.

TP. Any TP that says it is septic safe will work. We were using Quilted Northern but the rolls don't fit our TP roll holder very well so we switched to Charmin.

As HamRad said, you can test it using the method he specified but you're supposed to shake the jar with the paper in the water to make sure it easily disintegrates. All septic safe paper we've tested have passed this test so I think it's safe to say any septic safe paper is fine.

But that's just my opinion.
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