Thread: Front AC wiring
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Old 06-22-2015, 04:18 PM   #2
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #3085
My 2011 had a separate JBox in the ceiling just forward of the existing skylight ... that's where my wiring was. It was easily routed into the open hole once the skylight was removed. Yes it does have a separate breaker ... take a peek in your breaker/fuse box. The plastic interior trim box is held on by 4 screws directly into the ceiling panel. Once removed, the box just drops away. Up top on the roof, the exterior skylight has a zillion screws in it ... you just have to dig thru the sealant. Once the screws are out, gently pry around the base with a putty knife and eventually the skylight will let go the roof. Remove the sealant as best you can. I told a few people about very SPARINGLY using mineral spirits on a rag to clean it up a bit easier, but one or two obviously dumped mineral spirits all over the area and complained I guided them into ruining their EPDM roof material ... I guess if a little works, a lot reasons out way better for some???? Read the instructions on mounting the unit you bought, and you'll be a dual air kind of guy.
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