Thread: Hello Everyone!
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Old 10-05-2008, 04:08 PM   #1
Montana Fan
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Nunya
Posts: 178
M.O.C. #8858
Hello Everyone!

My name is Blamb. (Think Bee Lamb, not "BLAMB!") Well of course that's not my real name, but that's what I'll go by on the board. I'm about to turn 29 in a couple of weeks, and I am female. I'll be living alone in an RV soon, with my 2 dogs, if all goes according to plan.

I'm hoping to soon be the owner of a new Montana. In the course of shopping for an RV, I've gone through considering several models but now it looks like I may be (hopefully) getting the '09 3665RE - Emerald Isle . I've had some really horrible luck the last few weeks and one thing after another has gone wrong, so I am really hoping I'll get a break and actually GET it this time and nothing will be wrong with it, at least not for a while.

Reason being is I've had some pretty bad life circumstances happen, that are the reason for me moving to an RV. I'll be living in it full-time, but staying only in one place, really. It is going to be my house, basically.(I do like that I can move anywhere I want and still be home, though lol). I don't even have a truck to tow it, but I can't really drive anyway due to various disabilities, so I won't be traveling. Thank goodness dealerships deliver.

The bad circumstances are basically that I had to leave my husband of 9 years (together for 12) for my own safety and health. I was 100% dependent on him, so it was a tough decision. Due to those bad circumstances I'm basically selling my stick and brick house in order to buy the RV to live in. I am disabled in a lot of ways and chronically ill and can not work (thus why I was so dependent on him), and therefore I can not support the bills the house requires every month, not to mention repairs. I know I'll still have repairs but maybe more of them will be things I can do myself if I study a manual really hard, or at least not cost so much if I have to have someone else do it due to my health. An RV will hopefully be more manageable financially and physically since it is smaller and requires less effort, and it will be paid for, thanks to the house. I'm hoping to have less monthly expenses to drown in this way, until I can hopefully get some government assistance or something. It's a scary place to be right now. Fortunately I am pretty adaptable (I have had a rough life since I was born so hardships aren't new to me) so I'm not too afraid of adjusting to living in an RV. I am glad I don't have children at this point in time. I'd feel bad.

I hate that I am selling a stick and brick for something that will depreciate, especially since the stick and brick is basically all I have asset-wise or financially for the rest of my life, since I can't work. I do worry about, say, 30 years from now... but I'm trusting God on that one. And hoping maybe if I take really, really good care of the RV it will last me that long or longer, lol. But I really went over everything I could and it's the best option for me. I'd rather not dwindle my money away in apartment rent and condo association fees and such only to have nothing left at all in the end, possibly, but rather invest it in something that will guarantee I will always have a roof over my head and have my dogs with me - even if I can't afford the luxuries like heat and water and such. Even if because of finances all the RV becomes is a really, really nice tent - at least I will always have shelter from the elements to a degree. I'd just get kicked out of an apartment or condo, or lose my house - and then, my dogs.

I did have to give up one dog due to financial reasons (heartbreaking as if my situation wasn't bad enough - but she is going to be in a good home so that helps), but I still have 2. One is a service dog, so technically I only have one that really counts as a "pet" (when it comes to RV park pet rules). I think living in an apartment or a condo would be too difficult on my dogs and myself anyway. Too far away from grass and trees, too many rules and restrictions, and I don't like only mere walls between myself and my neighbor. Not to mention, not being able to work would likely mean I'd have to live in questionable establishments... and anywhere I go that is rented would whine about the dogs. Before anyone says anything, I am a dog trainer so both of my dogs are excellently behaved. I always pick up after them and they are always very clean. But you'd be surprised how many people always find something to whine about anyway. My dogs could wait on them hand and foot and sew them designer clothes (actually one really does bring you kleenex when you sneeze) and they'd still whine about imaginary inconveniences of having dogs on their property - I've been there and don't care to do it again. I was once in a restaurant with my service dog who was sitting quietly under the table while I enjoyed my meal with company - and 2 tables over a woman complained about "health safety issues" with a dog in a restaurant, loudly, even though the manager said service dogs are exempt and are clean and no one else even noticed my dog (she only did because we walked by her going to the table) - all the while her crusty-nosed 3 year old was spitting all over the table and the floor. I've had it with people who complain about innocent dogs! I get complaining about dogs that are actually, truly a nuisance or a danger. It's fine to not like dogs but keep your mouth shut if the dog in question is not really doing anything to bother you! Geez. This was a big reason I chose to live in an RV. I know I may still encounter that with an RV park but it's not quite as bad since the only "property" is a patch of grass, really - what the dogs are actually living in will belong to me and they can't say a darn thing about that. And the park I have found, the manager is very nice and has no problem with my dogs so far because they are so well - behaved (they even poop straight into the poop bags if I want them to). So I've gotten lucky in that respect - so far.

I'm trying to look at the bright side of losing nearly everything but my dogs and the clothes in my bags - The plus side is, it's always been a dream of mine to live in an converted bus or an RV... so... in a bittersweet way, a dream is coming to realization, just not quite the way I had thought it would. I'm happy that I am hopefully getting that much even if I worry about where the monthly expenses are going to come from. Alimony is out unfortunately, part of the deal for me getting the house - and disability isn't an option at the moment because of husband's assets, at least until we are divorced, hoping that will change once we are - I can't work from home because all those jobs require use of hearing, it seems (I'm deaf on top of everything else). So yeah, I'm kinda freaked out, just a tad. Especially living in tornado alley! I won't know a tornado is coming until I find myself sleeping on the ceiling...

So there's a rather long introduction from me. (Some of you may recognize me from another forum). I'm glad to have found this forum and that it's for owners of Montana's. I look forward to being among others that know more of what I'm talking about because they have or have had RV's from the same maker, because I know I'll probably be asking a lot of questions, how-to's, and help with it. And if nothing else, at least they'll understand when I have a concern or just a flat out whine about something. LOL.

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