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Old 01-23-2019, 03:57 PM   #40
Montana Fan
Join Date: May 2018
Location: san andreas
Posts: 209
M.O.C. #21805
i am lucky as my truck does not need to burn money away in this.
but be very careful about the age of the def fluid you buy, as old or contaminated def will wreck your def $y$tem co$ting you thou$and$ of dollar$ in damage$.
learn how to read the labels on the containers, and only buy the fresh stuff. just like buying milk, only the freshest will do. never use old def. or from a opened container.

at my job we get a def delivery each week (sometimes twice a week) for this stuff. so we always have the freshest to pump into the rigs.
the trucks do not burn much, i do not know the cap of the def tanks, but in a good 500 miles less than a third (maybe less than a quarter) of a tank of def is used.
as a driver i do not fuel up the trucks, so that info is not at hand to me.

so buy fresh only as needed, like every couple weeks? pending on how many miles you drive, might say a gallon a month?? if low miles.
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