Thread: Diesel prices
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Old 03-02-2008, 04:15 AM   #40
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Posts: 860
M.O.C. #8154
IMHO, this is purely an issue of supply and demand. Surely we have all noticed the significant increase in traffic the past number of years, yet we have done nothing as a nation to increase our supply. We no longer have enough refinery capaicty, we are now importing gasoline. In fact, we have made it so difficult, we have forced ourselves to become more dependent on others. The oil companies make about 8 cents a gallon. We allow ourselves to be taxed at 70-80 cents a gallon and then blame big oil rather than those who tax and impede developement. (Roger you are right, we have made it imposssible here in the US)

The problem is as I see it, is supply. We can talk about conservation all we want (and we should) but the bottom line is that we have to produce more, plain and simple. Not to say that we should explore alternatives, we should, but short term we should produce, here in our own back yard, off our own coasts. Instead of prosecuting development we should encourage and support it. The development of energy is partly what made this country develop to what it is today. To hinder that development will only hasten our decline.
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