Thread: Diesel prices
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Old 03-01-2008, 12:28 PM   #25
stiles watson
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #2059
Exactly, I can't pull my Big Sky with a fuel efficient tricycle. I don't drive fast. When not pulling, I run 60 to 65. To drive slower in high traffic environs would be obstructive. When pulling, 55 to 60 mph. I didn't design the engine. I either have to choose from among high consumption engines that are powerful enough to pull or give up the lifestyle altogether and go back to a stick house and drive a hybrid.

The truth is at my age, this is probably the last truck I will ever buy and this Montana will be my last. Both have a longer expected life span than I do. This is our only vehicle since we full time. So whatever changes may come along, I am stuck with what I have. The only variable in my future is fuel pricing. So philosophizing about how to reshape the world lacks any pragmatic value to me.

Lighter Rv's, more efficient engines, hydrogen fuel cell, etc, etc, etc will never fall under my command and control. Perhaps it will benefit my grandchildren. What I need is lower Diesel prices, NOW.
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