Thread: Update on Paul
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Old 11-29-2008, 09:42 AM   #1
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #3113
Update on Paul

This is a really hard email to write but I have to do it. On Paul's last Dr's. appt. the Dr. said that Paul was not a candidate for surgery because his cancer had advanced into his lymph nodes meaning that Paul is now in stage 4. He said the only thing that he could do for Paul now was to advise radiation and chemotherapy to try and shrink the tumor and make Paul more comfortable. My heart just sank when I heard that. I just started crying. I don't think Paul really understands what is happening. At this point the tumor has grown so much that it has completely blocked off his esophagus so that even water is a problem to get down. His feeding tube does give him relief because it allows the nurses to put his food and his meds straight into the tube and then it goes right to his stomach. The Dr. said this will help when it comes to radiation because the radiation makes the throat just like burnt hamburger. If the food doesn't have to go down his throat it won't create any pain in the throat. I just got back from seeing him and he isn't doing well at all. On Wed. of last week we saw the Radiadologist and they took all the measurements and pictures so that on the 8th of Dec. he can start that part of the treatment. He was really giving the tech fits because he wouldn't hold still so she came out and got me and I had to calm him down and stay right there so he wouldn't move. I told them that I am going to advise the Dr. to order him happy meds. about an hour before he goes for his treatments that way he won't be so adgitated. He has become very difficult to handle lately. Poor guy, I wonder why?!!!!!
I brought him home for Thanksgiving and he wanted everything on the table but was unable to eat any of it. I still filled his plate and gave him a glass of very expensive wine I had bought for him. It was his favorite and I didn't care if he drank it or not. I just wanted him to feel included in everything. I must say that the man hasn't lost his lucky streak. We played a game with lottery tickets and he got the most tickets and then when we scratched them off he won most of the money. He got tired very early and wanted to sleep so I put him in our bed. He stayed there for awhile but then got jumpy and wanted to go back to the Vets Home. So I took him back. When they weighted him the other day he only weighed
123 lbs. I don't know how much longer he has but I plan on making every minute count. I don't know how anyone gets through this. I have been taking it a day at a time but even that isn't helping any longer. Well, I will email periodic reports on what is going on but I can't say when. Thanks to everyone for your prayers. I know Paul really needs them. Again, God Bless all of you. Kathi
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