Thread: Was it April?
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:37 PM   #1
stiles watson
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Leona
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M.O.C. #2059
Was it April?

Yes, it was April the last time I posted. Many things have happened since then, but to summarize, we have acclimated well to the the stick house environment, located all the necessary doctors, made friends with our neighbors, found a good church, and know where to buy what we need.

I finished my shop. It was a 12 X 20 shell of a metal building. I added insulation, wall board, shelving, and, best of all, an air conditioner so I can do cool work. I work about half a day and act retired the rest.

We have added a pet to our lives. It is a rescue dog. A neighbor lady brought her by, begging us to take her. She was dirty and hurt. The pit bull didn't want to share his food and chewed her up on the left fore quarter. Took her to the vet, no broken bones, got her shots and vaccinations along with some medicine, brought her home, gently bathed her, and started nursing her back to health.

That was about six weeks ago. Now Trixi is the delight of our home. She weighs about 10 pounds, is a frisky two year old Papillon. She came to us house broken, She is smart and obeys well. I have managed to teach her a few tricks. Trixi is definitely a people dog. She is not a yapper, doesn't smell, doesn't shed and leave hair all over. She loves to ride in the car and enjoys spending a good bit of time in our laps. Sometimes things just work out.
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