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Old 11-03-2008, 01:04 AM   #14
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #2839
Charlie..I got that quote from several articles on the distallation process. Would like to hear more about adding gas to diesel to increase the cetene rating as everything we have researched says not to do that????


"The light distillates that gasolines are made from have a natural high-octane index. The middle distillates that diesel fuels come from have a high cetane index. The octane and cetane indexes are INVERSE scales. A fuel that has a high octane number has a low cetane number, and a high cetane fuel has a low octane number. Anything with a high octane rating will retard diesel fuel’s ability to ignite. That’s why each fuel has developed along with different types of engine designs and fuel delivery systems. Gasoline mixed in diesel fuel will inhibit combustion in a diesel engine and diesel fuel mixed in gasoline will ignite too soon in a gasoline engine"
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