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Old 12-08-2010, 03:40 AM   #15
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2007
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History is failing. Not only for WWII, but WWI and one of the bloodies wars in the history of these United States. The Civil War between the states, where a half million lives were lost. I guess there is just not enough time in the day for our teachers to teach history, even if only briefly. I asked a young person one day in conversation if they knew anything about Gettysburg. They were stumped. Next time I'll ask about December 7, 1941, and see what type of answer I get.

Fortunately every once in a while someone makes a movie or documentary on history, or relates history on one of the talk radio shows. "The Pacific," is one of those great documentaries. Another is "Band of Brothers."

Did you know that a navy officer, Amiral Harry E. Yarnell, wrote a naval exercise in 1932 to prove that Hawaii was vulnerable to air attack. Ten years later the Japanese used that exact scenario, and battle plan, to attack Pearl Harbor.

And let us not forget the "forgotten war," Korea.
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