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Old 06-25-2008, 03:23 PM   #30
Ms McGyver
Montana Fan
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Virginia Beach
Posts: 156
M.O.C. #8531
Your comments regarding the size of the dogs--most don't realize that they're not the stock they were bred down in size from!

Our pom thinks he's a big guy, acts like a big guy--until mom puts him in his place. Responsible ownership makes life lovely for all of us, and irresponsibility wreaks havoc. Ringo is in training to become a therapy dog and as such, must spend time with unknown people, off leash, and still obey commands. When he becomes the tiniest bit headstrong during these training times, he gets treated like a two week old puppy by the head "bitch" of the pack and then he behaves. Still no leash necessary.

When he's not in training, he's leashed or contained, poop scooped, and water always available. I, too, will reroute my walks when there are unrestrained dogs--of any size. I can predict how Ringo will respond, but not the other dog.

The only real trouble we've had with dogs was 1) one who was suffering and in extreme pain. She attacked my bitch and could have killed her. A swift kick to where I knew she was hurting made her re-think her actions. Still, she shouldn't have been loose.
2) a very protective dog mis-interpreted DH's actions as an attack (it was a hug) on it's owner. Bill just missed having his arm severely bitten by a large boxer. Two band aids, a few bruises, and a new shirt was all that came of that. Except that owner doesn't take that particular dog camping anymore.

There is a leash law here in VA, and in many other states. Perhaps the phone numbers to local animal control is something each of us should look into when we pay for our reservations.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog" or in this case, the fight in righteous owners!
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