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Old 05-05-2005, 04:01 PM   #9
Random Line
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Aberdeen
Posts: 712
M.O.C. #7
[quote]Originally posted by HamRad

Random Line is the fellow you need to talk to about dual pane windows. He had one or two that always leaked. Took it in for a fix --------------------


Just happened to be lurking nearby and saw the windows topic. Then my ears started to ring (even more than usual) so I read my way down to here:

Yes we did have some strange experience on windows with our 2002 3255. One of them was indeed installed upside down. All of them had bad material in the felt gasket strips that the windows slide one and several of the insulated glass. (Double panes) had air leaks that allowed moisture between the panes. We put up with a lot of delay and evasion by the dealers staff over a year and a half plus more of the same by the window manufacturer to whom we were referred by Keystone customer service. (All of this by telephone) Then we went to the 2004 Rally and along with several other owners contacted Customer Service and were taken "Back to the Factory". We were treated decently there, service persons at the "Shop" took the trailer and replaced several of the windows and all of the defective gasket material. Things were much better after that. However I fear that a portion of one of our escape units that was replaced or rebuilt now has a part of it that is a Jalousie (sp) unit is single pane glass and one of the replaced/repaired windows had a leaky double pane unit. This one is one of the little peekaboo 4" by 6" sliding panes. It was defective from the day of the replacement.

Don't know when we will pursue satisfaction on these window items. Things have improved so much that I almost forgot about these later defects.

---OTHER NEWS--------

My Navigator and I spent the afternoon with our new house materials supplier rethinking the Anderson windows that we had designed. Too many of them were "Custom" shapes at astronomical prices. It seems that Marvin Windows has more choices available before the "custom" pricing kicks in. Tough choices to make.

Probably be another 6 weeks or so before full hookups will be available at our home building site. At that time we will leave this trailer park and move on site. Our home away from home will then become the on site project office. More fun. And Lobo loves it out there.

Stay tuned. You never know where these telegrams may show up here on the Forum.

Safe and interesting travels:

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