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Old 09-07-2016, 02:52 PM   #14
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Washington Coast
Posts: 2,688
M.O.C. #10696
Your Assumption would be wrong that the 2014-2016 Montana's are all Crap If you are a Fulltimer like me that travels a few thousand miles a year and have meet A LOT of newer Monty Owners and I would say 90 percent are happy,right now I am next to a 2016 3820FK and he loves it ,so just because you got a Crap one and are REALLY POed and I get it but IT HAPPENS and that Sucks for you and I hope you get things fixed so you can Calm down .... Here is a thought How about for ONCE you post something that is not so Toxic you are a BUZZ KILL on this Forum Man
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