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Old 08-31-2016, 05:26 AM   #3
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6337
Okie dokie.

Let's see if this foggy formatting exhausted mind can add further confusion to this. If you are not laughing, that was pre-coffee humor at it's worst!

daytripper099, I do indeed have your bio and photo (nice by the way). I did have it recorded as Palmer, not Drake. No matter, WE GOTS YA!!!

Max- Pat McFarlin and Ben Taher , I have the bio, working on the photo, thank you, will be in touch via email.

The rest of you, I do not find, yet, in my email. Seriously friends, the sooner the better, or you will have no bio and a funny looking graphic that says no photo available. Since we got a late start this year on all things rally and since the rally starts a few days earlier than last year (my deadline has been moved up), it's getting a bit stressful here at the computer. I'm doing the best I can, please help.

Did I ever tell you about the first book I published, wayyyyy, back in 1997??

It was a family history book. I worked on it from January 1st to mid July. Family reunion was just a few days later. I worked on it for 10 to 15 hours a day, every day. Yep. Every day. I actually had a pain in my thumb from moving the computer mouse around so much. DUH.

I spell checked every page, EVERY STINKING page!

The ink was still wet and hot when we delivered the books at the family reunion. My eldest son, the one that holds a doctorate (in Physics), picked up his copy, opened, started reading and within 5 minutes found a spelling error. Hey, MOM, didn't you spell check this??

Lesson learned - - there is NEVER enough editing time. Lesson two - - there WILL be errors in everything you publish. Lesson three - - try to LAUGH it off and pray your reading public will laugh with you and not burn you and the book at the stake.

It was a humbling experience I have never forgotten.

NOW, where are the rest of these bios??

See ya at the Rally, with my humble hat on, it has bling, lots of bling.

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