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Old 01-22-2016, 06:00 AM   #6
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2010
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M.O.C. #10696
yeah That is a good Idea and I should have done that many times but on my black tank valves there is enough space to put it back in but yeah that would make it easy for sure
quote:Originally posted by DuneBuggyBuilder

Having done this just a few weeks ago, it isn't too bad. There are two tanks running longitudinally in the dropped frame section. The galley tank is (usually) aft and running crosswise. The galley tank uses the smaller drain pipe, the black and shower tanks use a 3" drain pipe. My black tank is on the street side. But yours could be on the curb side - who knows what all Montana is capable of. Check in the passthru basement storage area and see where the toilet down pipe goes.

Flush the tank numerous times before doing anything. Drop the front end below level to prevent any leakage back through the opening once you remove the gate valve. The valve is easy to remove but difficult to re-install with the seals positioned properly. I cut the 3" pipe downstream of the "Y" and removed about 1" of pipe. This allows some slop to move the waste pipe and properly position the gate valve and the seals back into the tank fittings. Get a 3" No Hub plumbing fitting to bridge the cut drain pipe. This also allows some flexing once everything is back together and may avoid the tanks cracking somewhere down the road.

You can order new seals from Amazon to ensure no leaks and a tight seal against the valve's blade.
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