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Old 02-28-2015, 02:40 PM   #14
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 1,520
M.O.C. #12935
I want to thank all of you who have so far responded to my post. My intention was never to divide the membership in any way, I would be truly disappointed if that happened.

Most, if not all the responders have made suggestions, offered insight into reasons why not all of us can or are prepared to travel to attend a national rally and good points on the amount of attention paid to the small number of MOC members who do attend.

I pose a question to those who have attended the rally in Goshen: If during the sessions with the "big wigs" you were to ask a question such as "There are some MOC members who currently or in the past have not been able to have their issues dealt with by Keystone, they have done all that was asked of them but their claims are still being denied. Please tell us why this is happening. If you want specifics we can provide that to you." What do you think the response would be.

It has been said that for many years attendee's at the national rally "held Keystone's feet to the fire" over the Marathon tires and other issues. With respect to the Marathons, the only time a change took place was when a different tire became available that supposedly is rated high enough to not de-rate the axles and carry the load on the bigger Montana's. Making the G614 available as an option was their solution to ongoing problems with the Marathon, but don't forget they still put Marathons on even the bigger RV's that did not pay for the G614 option. It is my opinion they did nothing and still have not addressed the issue except to put a higher rater Chinese made tire on the rigs, still with the G614 as an option rather than OEM.

The major, or most common recent failures we have been discussing have been holding tanks and roof problems, they are not at all a representation of all the problems due to poor quality build and QC issues, and everyone is very aware of that.

I am not sure those who attend the National rally do so in sufficient numbers to impress Keystone executives, Keystone among other suppliers will do their best to fix those attendees problems to appease them. However this represents a very small portion of not only the membership, but Keystone owners overall. They are not likely shaking in their boots by what a few have to say during meetings and are therefore content to see those who attend go away happy and praise Keystone with what was done for them. Cheap and easy advertising when you consider the big picture with respect to warranty claims.

I have had many problems with my Montana, some big and many not so big, I have had warranty work done on the biggest problem, that being frame flex, the rest I dealt with through the suppliers and have had great results after being denied by Keystone.

Now I have a roof problem as do many others, I don't have staples protruding into the roofing material as do some others but in my opinion the issue should be dealt with by Keystone, not necessarily replace my whole roof but repair the problem "under warranty". I don't think that is asking too much.

I will never be buying another RV at my age, all I want to do is be able to take the Montana which I bought in good faith at a considerable cost and enjoy it. I don't want to be fighting battles to obtain warranty in order to be able to do that. But I damn sure will, not only on my behalf but on behalf of those who I would hope would support me as well.

The membership of the MOC are a great group of people, whether you support an effort to assist others in their battles with Keystone is your personal choice as it should be. Much has been learned by many here and will continue to be learned from this forum, that is not going to change.

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