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Old 03-10-2014, 06:20 PM   #9
Montana Master
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Roswell
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M.O.C. #12028
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Neglect, yep, but small potatoes in an industrial setting (unless you own one of the trailers) Look at Dodge, finally recalled 1.3 million trucks manufactured over a what 10 year period, due to front end components that they knew was faulty from the start. Other companies have made millions off of work arounds and fixed for the Dodge front end for years. Finally enough failures and there have been a bunch of them, and they have to do a recall. You can insert almost any big industry here and find the results. Some time things slip thru the cracks, someone is responsible and will be held accountable, but most likely it won't be the department heads or higher ups that made the product schedule and delivery schedule that pushed the floor worker to overlook or short cut doing it properly. I can hear it now "Just get them assembled and ready for shipment, I am sure the customer will check the bearing assemblies" and on the receiving end "Don't worry about tearing them down, I'm sure they greased the bearings at the axle fabrication plant" Yep, crap happens, shouldn't, but does and will continue. Always has and always will, unfortunate but true. That's why a dealer inspection is important and critical.
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