Thread: Porch Light
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Old 03-02-2014, 04:26 AM   #15
Montana Master
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K&G. You should be able to use this light every night and it should last a while. This doesn't sound right. You might be having a problem in that circuit or the socket itself and it's running the filament too hot and this causes the bulb to burn out sooner. Maybe the bulb that's in there is NOT the correct one, then you replace it with another incorrect one and therefore keep having the same one. Long ago I learned that if the wrong bulb number is used then this could happen even though the fit is the same. I wonder if the factory ran out of the proper one, then they put in something just to get the light working and the rig sold. Did anyone confirm the bulb number as the right one? I've never replaced my bulb in 8 years of ownership so I have no clue what the number is, but I do know just because it looks the same, it's all about getting the number correct. I don't use my Monty as much as many of you but collectively that porch light has several months of overnight use.

My BIL with an Everest (older, extinct Keystone model) had blew something out on his fixture and replacing with a new bulb didn't work. He had to replace the whole fixture and that's been working so far but like me he'll have to collectively monitor this over the years. Since LEDs have comparable replacements for incandescent bulbs, don't burn these out if the the socket or fixture may be the cause. It might be best just to replace the fixture, then go from there.
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