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Old 12-12-2013, 03:22 PM   #75
Tom S.
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Waterford
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M.O.C. #7500
quote:Originally posted by Irlpguy

One thing both you and Tom are correct about, is if the Japanese model was used by any one RV manufacturer and the price was kept competitive there would be no need for the Japanese to come to the US and build RV's. The US manufacturers can figure out how to do it, there is just no incentive to do so.
That was one of the hardest things the Big 3 had getting their collective heads wrapped around: quality doesn't cost, it pays. Granted, there are costs in training your workforce, and when you stop a car assembly line to correct a problem, money is a big issue. But these costs are quickly repaid in far fewer warranty issues, not to mention eliminating the cost of final inspection and repairing what they find. Trust me, I heard it firsthand more than once: "Let it go and let the dealer fix it."! As for components, the RV manufacturers would have to do the same thing the autos did, which was to force their suppliers to make the same changes.

Nothing man made is perfect, but when you can take a product from having an average of 15 minor defects and 2 major ones (purely a guesstimate on my part of Keystone's quality score) down to 3 minor and 0 major problems, your company will save a lot of money, and your buyer will not only likely come back, but become a salesperson for your product.
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