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Old 09-30-2013, 05:55 PM   #16
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2012
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M.O.C. #12935
quote:Originally posted by richfaa

That information was stated many times during the rally on the forum and at the tours. Ok so someone did not get the word. It happens. It was taken down by the administrators for the reasons stated. ONCE again.....ASSEMBLY LINE PICTURES ARE ALLOWED. TAKING PICTURES ON THE ASSEMBLY LINE IS FINE....

PICTURES OF THE PROTOTYPES OUTSIDE THE FACTORY ARE NOT ALLOWED...Only MOC members at the rally see those prototypes and provide feedback.
Richfa I think you are wrong, Gkerlin got the word, directly from the tour guide that it was ok to take the pictures for his blog. This appears to me to be more an issue of someone being punished for not following the MOC rules/instructions as opposed to being an issue with respect to any problems with Keystones wishes.

The moderator who removed the post did not in any way indicate the pictures in question contained ones of prototypes and for that reason should not have been posted. "There was no explanation presented by that moderator".

Everyone is quick to jump on Gkerlin and emphatically restate the MOC instructions and yet the link to the pictures is still here as it was in the beginning.

Richfa your last sentence enforces in my mind the elitism that appears to exist in the MOC and gives those of us who cannot attend these rallies the feeling of being second class members. Who knows, Keystone might value the opinion/input of the thousands of Montana owners that for whatever reason cannot attend this rally and view their prototypes or offer input on other aspects of the Montana.

I assume Gkerlin is a MOC member in good standing, he posted no pictures to the forum, he had permission to use them in his blog. Instead of continuing to berate him someone should be man enough to apologize to him.

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