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Old 05-12-2013, 07:27 AM   #47
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oceanside
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M.O.C. #20
We have just two credit cards plus the debit cards. Each quarter the credit cards designate which types of stores they'll give 5% cash back on. Everything else is 1%. At least one quarter per year the 5% is for purchases at filling stations. So we be sure we use the card giving 5%, as appropriate. One of the cards has a $300/yr limit on cash back but the other one either has no limit or we've never hit the limit. We average probably $50 to $60 back per month and have it just applied as a credit to our account. And we have both cards set to automatically draft our checking account in full every month. That way we never pay any interest on the credit cards. When we need cash we just use the debit card as I noted before. Yesterday I bought milk at Von's and got $200 cash back. No ATM fees. We've been doing this for 10 years and it's always worked well. If we're going somewhere where it's a long ways to a store where we could get cash, then I stock up on cash before we head that direction.
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