Thread: backsplash
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Old 04-10-2013, 06:43 AM   #9
Tom S.
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2007
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M.O.C. #7500
It looks nice, but I doubt Montana would ever consider adding something like this for a couple reasons. The primary reason is time it would add to assembly. For those who have never tiled, you are supposed to let the tile stand for 24 hours before grouting. Another reason would be durability. I'm not sure how well this will hold up to potholes. A more minor reason is weight. Tile, glass or ceramic add considerable weight, and while just a backsplash isn't a lot, it still ads up, and one of Montana's selling points is low weight for it's size.

Having stated all that, there are veneer substitutes that could be used without the draw backs mentioned above that would look as good and be much easier to install.
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