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Old 12-07-2012, 04:49 PM   #3
Montana Master
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Chilliwack
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M.O.C. #12935
Two things would indicate your battery is dead in the fifth wheel, the fact that the 12V lights all went out over a short period of time but came back on when you plugged into your TV.
Usually the converter is on it's own circuit breaker in your panel box, I would check that and I am sure you have confirmed the 110V outlet has not thrown the breaker.

I would also check the battery terminals for corrosion and if you have a multimeter check the battery voltage at the battery. If the battery is finished or the terminals are bad then the converter just might not be able to put a charge into the battery anymore. Running the slides in and out twice would draw my batteries down to a point where without being charged they would soon be dead.

Your profile does not say year and make of your Monty and different converters were used over the years. I think most recent years are using the Progressive Dynamics.

Wish we could be of more help.
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