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Old 06-11-2012, 07:17 AM   #16
Montana Fan
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Baton Rouge
Posts: 431
M.O.C. #11342
The feller who wrote the post in SOF is lining up several points of failure:
we do not know what trailer his Marathons were on, but 60psi max does not show up on Marathon's chart
There are C rated Marathons that are 50 PSI maximum, and there are Ds that are 65 psi max
max load on the D is 2540lbs, so depending on trailer weight, they could also be overloaded.
and he is over-pressuring his tires and pushing the speed rating (Goodyear Marathons are trailer tires and 65mph is the speed rating)
i say he is dancing on the flap of the safety factor envelope
as mentioned in the thread about overloaded trucks, even though an accident may not ever go to court, do you want to push the envelope with tires?
if you destroy your trailer, truck, and life or limb of others on the road, going to court might not be the worst consequence of your actions.
i have experienced events in my life that have changed life after the event such that court is not my biggest fear!

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