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Old 06-03-2012, 09:10 AM   #17
stiles watson
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2004
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M.O.C. #2059
Many people will not use "angry" to describe their emotions unless they are red faced, cursing, fire breathing, head banging mad. Anger is an emotion that has a very broad range of intensity from slightly upset to rage. Many use all kinds of euphemisms to report their anger. I call it what it is....anger, not miffed, irked, ticked off, or the like. I did not report the level of intensity of my feelings of anger. In managing anger, I don't need any sermons on how to do so. I do seminars on anger management.

Others have indicated that I need to give Keystone some slack because my repairman or the dealer must have given bad info to them. We have double checked the info given Keystone for accuracy. I read people fairly well when face to face with them. The guys on this end are shooting straight. The dealer is extremely apologetic for the whole snafu.

As far as reading the "crayon" number on the top of the tank, I looked for that number on the old black tank when it was removed and it was totally unreadable. To get that number off the top you have to drop the tank. Since the small crack is at the top, if the galley tank is dropped, then I have no kitchen for the duration of the issue. Knowing this, my repairman measured the tank, length, width, and depth along with nozzle position. If Keystone can not determine the tank from this info, there is a really huge problem internally.

Keystone is a big boy. They don't need to be defended by the MOC. If I mess up, I need to admit it. If they do, they need to fix the problem in an expeditious manner. In many cases reported here, Keystone has stepped up to provide good customer service beyond reasonable expectations and I have applauded that. I will be happy to report a positive result should I have one to report. If Keystone comes through, I will gladly report it. In the meantime, the cash register runs.
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