Thread: Sweating Wall
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Old 11-07-2011, 07:58 AM   #8
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M.O.C. #11163
I full time in north western Washington. I to have a dehumidifier. We first bought one of the small ones and found that it just wouldnt keep up. I went to sears and bought a good one and that does the job most of the time. I get about 1-2 gallons (@ 40% humidity)a day if turned up to high. I have foung the same wetness as you and cant find anything wrong with the seals of any leaks. What I do find is that in any area that has poor circulation I do still see a small amount of condensation. If your beed room is like mine then there is not much circulation. I have told the wife we need more action in there but that didnt get me anywhere. Hope that gives you a better warm fuzzy feeling.
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