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Old 10-03-2011, 12:16 PM   #21
old turbo
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Mayville
Posts: 629
M.O.C. #2486
A good comment on the delivery inspection at dealers. A few dealers do a good job of inspections on trailers at the time the transporter pulls into the dealership. I have transported rv's for 8 years and can tell you that some dealers are in a hurry and do little to check out the delivery. If the door opens and they can find the paperwork and keys they send the transporter on his way. I know of good dealers that do a delivery inspection and will give the transporter a meal ticket at a local restaurant while they check the rv over. The dealer has the right to reject a rv if he finds a number of defect issues but most will repair the issues at the dealership and make notes on the paperwork that the transporter mails back to the transport company and is then sent to the manufacturer so the transport company is paid for the delivery. The dealer has a delivery check sheet and it should be filled out at the time of delivery. If you are to purchase a new rv ask for the delivery inspection sheet for that rv, if they tell you they never heard of one, find another dealer.
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