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Old 02-27-2011, 07:58 AM   #9
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Detroit
Posts: 60
M.O.C. #11166
Thanks for the replies everyone. A lot of good points here. We are planning to do two full weeks of vacation. Im 29 wife is 30. Young enough to do some miles taking turns to nap. The idea behind the marathon on the front end is for the kids sake. They will sleep through the night in the truck no problem. I would love to get around 12 hours in while they are either asleep or falling asleep or waking up from about 8pm-8am. We plan to leave mid day and drive while taking our time. Letting the kids out to run around for a bit and take the dog out. Nothing too intense. That first night is when we will get after it. I figure we can always pull off to sleep if need be. Lord knows there are enough campgrounds along 80/90. While Im new to rving this wont be the first time Ive pulled it. We did about 6 trips last fall with our 1st 5er before we found out what we wanted and traded in for the 3750fl. So Im well aware of the speeds and time I can make while towing and myself expect a 50mph avg. Im still very early in the planning stages and have booked the KOA in West Yellowstone but will check out the suggestion above.
Again thanks for the insight although I maybe young (relatively) Im old enough to understand heeding advice from those in the know. When it involves the happiness and more importantly the safety of my family I will listen to anybody with an idea.
Thanks again everyone, Ill keep you updated as I hammer out our plans in more detail
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