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Old 12-21-2010, 03:57 PM   #16
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Location: Coupeville
Posts: 32
M.O.C. #10964
quote:Originally posted by HamRad

There are some CGs that cater to horse travelers. They are not very common but we've seen a number of them. Of course out in the west there is a lot of open land owned by the US and BLM administers it. Much of this land can be boondocked on. I would guess you could tend to your horses as well but I do not know that for certain. But you will probably have less trouble finding CGs for your horses than you may think. Especially if you travel a lot in the West. You will also find a lot of commercial horse boarding places. Often these places will be near CGs.

If you are pulling your trailer with one truck and another truck with a camper pulling a horse trailer you will be OK in CA. But if you are double towing ..... That is you are pulling a trailer plus another trailer for the horses then you will not be legal in CA.

Good luck and sounds like a lot of fun. HamRad
Thanks for the reply. Yes, we be 2 rigs each hauling 1 trailer each. One a fifth wheel (Base Camp) and one a horse trailer, Pickup/Camper combo for heading out to more remote areas. This last year we rode over 800 miles. Most of our camping to date has been in the NW but, we'd like to venture to warmer climates in the winter months.
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