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Old 07-19-2004, 04:43 AM   #8
Montana Master
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,206
M.O.C. #70
Rob and Julia,

Wow! You have had 10 fun filled days! Glad things are getting back on track. Sounds like you got hit by a little lightning too. Pretty big change in house plans. But sounds like you know this the best thing. I hope all goes smoothly moving inot your new Villa.

I'm in the same Lightning Capitol as you and it has been preettttty scary around here as well. I am constantly unpluging and resetting clocks, VCR's and such. Also taking the awning up and down. I'll be glad when the "season" is over. Looks like we have more on the way for today. I'm still dealing with leaks! It's hard to have techs fix leaks in this kind of weather.

Happy to have you back on the forum.
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