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Old 04-03-2010, 12:08 PM   #15
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #20
Pbahlin, these last two blowouts were on the driver's side, but prior ones have been on each side. We had our rig weighed on each wheel at the last Fall rally. We're 1050 pounds heavier on the kitchen side. But we're under the tire ratings on each wheel, though not by very much.

Bob, I agree. I don't think these Chinese tires have any room to spare on the ratings and I have doubts whether they're ever tested to the indicated rating. I'll never know for sure but that's what my experience makes me believe.

Art, a TPMS is a good thing and has its place. I'd never try to say otherwise. But in this situation I really do not believe it would have done anything other than tell me the pressure suddenly dropped and by then it's too late. The tire and body parts were blowing out across the highway at the same time a TPMS would have warned me of the pressure drop because it was so sudden. We heard the pop, so we know it was not a slow leak. The TPMS can warn you of a low tire and/or a leak but it's not going to help if it's a blowout or rapid leak. By the time you could stop the rig it's all over but the painful part.

As to your other question, we travel with the clip-on slide valve attached and the clear connector attached to that. Each of those were strapped in place with large radiator hose style clamps, which you can see in one of the pictures. The dump cap was then attached to the clear connector and attached to the dump pipe with the standard umbilical. The entire assembly was ripped from the dump pipe with the clamps between dump pipe and slide valve still in place on the dump pipe with the ears from the slide valve still under the clamps but broken off of the slide valve. I'm not sure that's very clear.

The rim appears to be ok but I'll have to have a tire guy check it to make sure. The prior blowout cracked a rim and we had to buy a new one.
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