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Old 04-01-2010, 05:48 AM   #26
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2004
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M.O.C. #1846
A couple of years ago this came up in the Kansas Legislature; there is no leeway officially in Kansas. However, less than 5mph over the speed limit, you get a ticket but no points towards (against) your insurance; 5 to 10 mph over - ticket plus 2 pts against insurance. More than 10 over, much higher fine and additional points -- actually classified as 'reckless driving' I believe it was instead of speeding. As someone mentioned in an earlier post, that extra little 2 pt kicker keeps you paying and paying (higher insurance rates) for 3 years or more in this fine state.

As for question of increasing speed - took a Defensive Driving class last year (for the insurance break) and one of the questions on the exam was this very topic and the rule here is that the lower speed limit is in effect until you pass the new sign; therefore do not speed up until you pass the sign.
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