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Old 06-06-2009, 07:42 AM   #2
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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Tough situation.

We tried something called a Barker Breaker one time, HUGE HUGE HUGE error. Now we have a fur kid that shakes at any noise, I lose a lot of sleep during rainy/thunderstorm weather.

This time, could the fur kids HEAR mom and dad while they were inside and you were out?? Mine will bark if they know I am out there.

Could they SEE you while you were out and they were in?? We crate ours for this reason (and many others), if they cannot see out the windows, they won't know who and what is walking by their unit. Maybe smell who and what, but not see who and what.

Crate training this late in the game may be a real tough road. I always start it from day one, in fact, I will not take a puppy that is not used to crates. They need thier little "den" too, and the crate is it.

I am not a fan of barker breaker type electronics, did not work for me, made it worse, but, when we are desperate fur parents we try a lot of stuff.

Hire the horse whisperer???
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