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Old 03-09-2009, 03:35 PM   #4
Montana Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oceanside
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M.O.C. #20
We looked at the Admiralty but felt they crowd you in too much. We went to the Blazing Star (Jan and Feb of this year) and loved it. I think Admiralty has more activities if that's your thing. But the Blazing Star is more visually appealing. And quiet. At least site 914 was. The staff at Blazing Star is absolutely amazing. We had both the truck and car with us so I backed up on our concrete pad so the rear of the Montana was hanging off the rear quite a ways so we could park both truck and car on the pad. I slighly misjudged how close one of the big trees was and the big slide wouldn't quite open all the way. The lady next door said to call the office. I did and in two minutes flat they were out there, ready to cut a tree limb to accommodate us.

The Admiralty is slightly cheaper on base rate but we would have had to pay electricity there. At Blazing Star, electricity is included in the rate, as is cable tv. I figured we came out better overall not paying separate electricity charges.

The Admiralty is not a bad choice, we just liked Blazing Star much better. They're only a couple miles apart.
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