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Old 02-21-2009, 09:35 AM   #7
Montana Master
Join Date: Aug 2006
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M.O.C. #6109
quote:Originally posted by Mrs. CountryGuy

IF you go over the 5 gig limit that some cards have you will pay extra. Believe you will need to be downstreaming movies all day long (something like that anyway) to hit that 5 gig limit. We have two computers going for HOURS and HOURS each day, I download digital images all the time from all kinds of sites, and we have never been told we have exceeded the 5 gigs.n.
Please-please folks, get a grip on the concept. Being online for HOURS and HOURS or DAYS and DAYS or even WEEKS and WEEKS browsing the web contributes very little to passage of high memory data between you and the world.

HTML is very low memory, MOC is very low memory, pics of your grandkids are moderate memory - however things like Microsoft Office Service Pack 2 update at 159mb is exactly 159mb of data that is going to stream to your laptop through your aircard. Passing a word document that is 18mb in size is exactly 18mb that is going to upload to the web through your aircard. You don't have to stream HBO to your laptop to be concerned about the limit, there are many ways to get there. If you host a music server like Napster use to do to your desktop, you will be streaming a high memory volume and most likely would hit the limit within a few days.

If you want to get an idea of the typical data you transfer when cruising the web, just empty your temporary internet files then recheck the size of how much re-accumulated back in there after an hour, a day, a week. It's nothing.

The data that would cause you concern are those that come in as attachments or those that dowload as software or updates to your system.

I'm sure the resident vendor can explain it better.
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