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Old 12-12-2008, 12:44 PM   #10
Montana Fan
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Oviedo
Posts: 418
M.O.C. #8297
I can tell you that while I almost have packing for the outings in Bella down to a "science" I would much prefer the having duplicates of everything with regard to clothes. As it is now, I usually have one or two days of clothes there at all times for those times we go to Bella for the day and then decide to stay over night. But, my parents have a week's worth of clothing for both of them that is versatile enough that they can pretty much travel to any climate without any packing necessary (not that doesn't stop Mom from doing so though)! Regardless of the duplicates (or lack thereof) I do have to cart the dirty laundry back to the stick house so I have a number of rubbermaid tubs and canvas bags that I use for that process. Once the laundry is done it goes into the appropriate container and is ready for the next time we go out. Then its just a matter of the perishables and the clothes and off we go! (This usually means I have filled the bed of the truck with the exception of the 5th wheel hitch! LOL) Goal is to ultimately have duplicates of clothing to streamline the process a bit more...

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