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Old 11-11-2008, 06:03 AM   #14
Joyce H
Montana Master
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Clermont
Posts: 1,753
M.O.C. #266
Rich & Helen,
So Glad you are bringing some other Montana owners with you. I have composed a letter (using Phil's as a guide) which includes an invitation to our get together. I plan to take this letter to each Montana in our park and leave it in the door if no one is home. I think this is a great way to introduce other Florida Montana Owners to MOC.

This Reminds me...If you have a nametag from a previous MOC function, please wear it to this event. Many of us have a hard time remembering all the names and also many have not met face to face and would not recognize each other. Thanks. I will try to make up some new nametags or would love to have someone volunteer to make them for our "Florida Region Snowbirds 2008-09" Activities.
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