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Old 11-07-2008, 01:37 AM   #15
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: North Ridgeville
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M.O.C. #2839
It is difficult for many to understand how a person can not make a mistake.


1. an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.
2. a misunderstanding or misconception.
–verb (used with object) 3. to regard or identify wrongly as something or someone else: I mistook him for the mayor.
4. to understand, interpret, or evaluate wrongly; misunderstand; misinterpret.

Making a mistake is something we all do no matter how careful we may be. Dropping the rv is something many folks do, no doubt everyday. A rv'er is not a professional driver. The Rv'er may have litle or no training in the proper operation of a rv. The average Rv'er is more apt to make a mistake than a professional driver. Many rv'ers have never heard of a "high hitch" or understand how their hitch works. Most rv'ers have never heard of a "pre trip inspection" There should be rules and testing for RV drivers. The bedsaver is a device that can prevent a common problem among Rv'ers due to, perhaps, lack of proper training or knowledge of their equipment...But...the average person will still make mistakes. You may hookup 5,000 times without will make a mistake....maybe next time..
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