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Old 07-10-2008, 02:30 PM   #23
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: North Ridgeville
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M.O.C. #2839
To ole Rich it is fairly simple. Your expenses can not exceed your income. When that happens or you can see that it is going to happen again simple.Decrease expenses or increase income. That is what we are taking about here. Some of us are fortunate enough to not be concerned about that..that is a good thing. Many of us are looking for ways to keep our dreams alive.Perhaps this will pass in 4 or five years but to many of us years are precious and it may be to late in 4 or 5 years. My favorite saying as Dave knows. is.." if you want something bad enough..You will find a way to make it happen." Dave and Cheryl are living examples of that. Both Helen and I have to work to keep our dreams alive and cut back on many things we like to do. We don't like it but that is how we .."make it happen.".... got to have a plan..... Oh..there is an alternative..We can just give up.. That is not going to happen..

On edit... Going through a pile of mail our neighbor brought over after 7 days on the road. Was a letter from the board of Trustees of the private school that I drive School and Charter bus for. We are treated as staff as everyone else and are on contract year to year. They advised me that my contract was renewed for the year July 1 2008 to July 1 2009 with a significant increase in pay. As a way to "make it happen" I have been driving school and charter bus for , this will be my 9th year, 4th year with these folks. This is how we paid for our trucks, the 3400 and what pads our travel budget. I had told them that I could not drive much as we are gone most of the winter..they renewed me anyhow, Did last year also..these are treal nice folks.. BTW..I had never been IN a School bus in my life till I started driving one.. Point...You can " make it happen"

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