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Old 06-22-2008, 05:25 PM   #18
Montana Master
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Casa Grande
Posts: 5,369
M.O.C. #6333
Moonshine Pass Rd, No kidding, July 2007. Cathy and I were headed to Siletz Bay, OR and had gone thru Corvalis on Hiway 20. We decided to go thru Logsden and Alice, our GPS lady, had us make a right turn up Moonshine Pass Rd. After turning unto this gravel road I figured something was wrong, but my navigator insisted on going UP the hill. A little further up, I had to put the turck in 4 low as it was starting to slip. I went just a little farther where there was a large bend in the road. I informed my navigator that I was turning around. It took about ten back and forth movements before I let her back in the truck and we went down the hill. At the bottom a logging truck was approaching to go up the hill. I flagged him down and he wanted to know what the hell I was doing up there, seems it was a new logging road into Siletz indian reservation. He redirected me to the right road to Logsden, however we backtracked to hiway 20 and followed it to Toledo and then turned north to Siletz. Lesson learned: Don't trust GPS ALL the time. I now just use GPS when near CG or in the cities. Whew!!! That could have been a real disaster......
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