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Old 05-31-2008, 05:23 AM   #13
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Winfield
Posts: 7,327
M.O.C. #6846
Well to put my two cents worth in, I agree with what everyone says about the events that have been scheduled by our fantastic wagonmasters. But, even with all that said, our best time so far has been the dinners and the campfire. Why is that?? Simply put,(remember this is our first rally) the members of the MOC are also fantastic. We have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all and putting faces to the posts on this forum. Anyone who has been hesitant about attending a rally should mark one down on their calendar. The weekend after Labor Day we are going to the Virginia Rally at Staunton (see the appropriate thread for details) and we hope the interest in that rally grows as the time approaches. Sorry for the slightly off-topic advertisement, but back to Gettysburg, we are hitting the battlefield today to learn what we can since the youngest DD has to do a report since Dad let her play hookie from school Friday. We look forward to the rest of the day events that are scheduled. I cannot overstate the fact that we are having a great time and look forward to meeting many MOCers ad attending more rallies in the future.

Bingo and Cathy - Our adventures begin in the hills of WV. We are blessed by our 2014 3850FL Big Sky (previous 2011 3750FL and 2007 3400RL) that we pull with a 2007 Chevy Silverado Classic DRW CC dually.
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