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Old 05-27-2008, 02:13 PM   #29
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
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M.O.C. #3029
San Angelo fits the bill for low humidity but it can get very cold in the winter and just as hot in the summer. I was born in Odessa but lived most of my life on the Texas Gulf Coast south of Houston and hate the humidity down there. I had relatives that lived in San Angelo so know how extreme the conditions can be there, seems like the wind blows all the time. In the summer time it feels like it come off a furnace.

Someone mentioned Granbury. This is a very desirable location. I have a brother and parents that live there. Fort Worth is moving that direction. There is also lots of oil & gas drilling activity there and this has elevated real estate and taxes in Hood County are not the best in the state.

If you don't mind being somewhat away from the crowd I would recommend the area from Burnet, Llano, Mason, Brady, San Saba, to Lampasas. I have a cousin that lives on Lake Buchanan and I think it to be a very desirable location.
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