Thread: Dog Chips
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Old 03-15-2008, 07:39 PM   #5
Okie Guy
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Olahoma City
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M.O.C. #6054
Pee Wee is 8 years old. He gets lots of treats and has more toys than most children. He loves to go for rides so my biggest concern is he will jump in someons car and they will keep him. I had two new tags made with his name, my name and cell phone number and a new collar. He isn't happy about the jingling noise. He also had a look of guilt when I asked him why he ran off. He just went over and got in his doggy bed, put his head down and starred at me. He knew he was busted.
I havea shock collar but I am trying to hold off. He is so well mannered for the most part so I am not sure why he has suddenly felt the need to take off on a run. On the plus side I now have every phone number of everyone on my mile section and they have my number as well. There is a plus in a bummer situation.
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